Country Codes


Short description

Country codes specify countries and principal subdivisions of countries.


The xRuntime service provides the getDataInformation operation, which returns information about the regions that are available in the installed map. A region is either a country or a principal subdivision of a country specified by a country code.

In the xRoute service country codes are used to specify the countries for certain entities of a routeClosed, e.g., the country of a waypoint.

In the xRoute and xDima requests country codes can be used to geographically restrict the search space of the routing algorithm.

In the xMap requests country codes can be used in a country list to define country-dependent styles.

Detailed Consideration

ISO 3166

We use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes to specify countries, and ISO 3166-2 codes for principal subdivisions of countries. The principal subdivisions are available only for some large countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. There are some dependent territories which have both an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code and an ISO 3166-2 subdivision code of another country.


PTV Continent Codes

We use the reserved ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code ZZ as prefix to define continent codes in analogy to ISO 3166-2 principal subdivisions of the world. Note that these continent codes are not standardized. The assignment of countries to continents is PTV-specific and can be different for each map.

Continent Continent Code
Africa ZZ-AFR
Antarctica ZZ-ATA
Australia ZZ-AUS
Europe ZZ-EUR
North America ZZ-NAM
South America ZZ-SAM

Country Code Type

The fields of profilesClosed, requests, and responses that contain country codes are using the type CountryCode. In requests it can be any of the above mentioned representations (e.g., US-FL for Florida, US for all of the United States, ZZ-NAM for all of North America). The response is ISO 3166-2 if available (e.g., US-FL), ISO 3166-1 otherwise (e.g., DE).

Technical Concept Geocoding: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes can be used also to specify the country of an address.